Club Program

This list also includes competitions and the judging dates for 2023 / 2024, all competitions are for both Prints and PDI except for the Rose Bowl competition (which is prints only) and the Open / Creative (which is PDI [Projected Digital Images] only ). Entries are accepted on USB/Memory sticks, CD/DVD or via email to –

For a full list of competitions and entry forms please see here >> Competitions and Entry Forms


The program for 2024 is slightly changed from 2023 following suggestions from members.

MOST Competitions are now held on the LAST Tuesday of the month, with entries required two weeks previous.


2: Michael Poole – A Sporting Chancer

9: Show – n – Tell Evening Audience: Slides etc.

16: Using the ColorMunki – Jorj Malinowski

23: A Walk around Hartsholme Park. Leader: Jorj Malinowski

30: Open PDI Competition


6: Tuition on AI to generate images.

13:  Club BBQ

20: Night out.  Note: The items for 13th & 20th may be swopped, depending upon weather.

27: Creative Competition Judge: T B A


3: ‘Scars, Wounds and Gory Bits’ – Talk and Practicals (bring your cameras).

10: NEMPF – Exhibition 2024 DVD

17: Annual Auction : Auctioneer – Tim Scott

24: Travel Destinations Competition


1: YOUR Holiday Snaps. Show – n – Tell

8: Derek Doar (Fotospeed) – More Shared Moments

15: Marlies Chell – Photographing Insects

22: Studio Night

29: Something Red Competition


5: Light Painting Practical

12: Show – n – Tell Evening

19: St Barnabas Torchlight Procession – Uphill Lincoln

26: Rose Bowl (Prints) Competition


3: Audio Visuals from the LPA

10: TBA

17: Social Night and Awards

24: No Meeting